


Dual Action Shrinkage Resistant, Fibre Reinforced Single Component Thixotropic Repair Mortar

packagePacking : 25 kg.

Repair Mortar HS is high strength build up structural repair mortar formulated with graded fillers, additive, cement and fibres. It can be applied by trowel and wet spraying, suitable for overhead and vertical application with excellent bonding characteristics to steel reinforcement and concrete. It is specifically designed with double action shrinkage resistant, low permeability with thixotropic nature, ready to use product.

  • Enhance strength and crack resistance
  • Improved durability and long term performance
  • Excellent resistance to impact and abrasion
  • Excellent adhesion to various substrates
  • Easy and convenient application

  • Buildings
  • Bridges
  • Super/large structures
  • Irregular and mass infill areas
  • Repair Jetties/ports and fire damaged concrete
  • Repetitive loads bearing concrete areas.

13-14 litre per bag (25 Kg) with W : P ratio 0.15

Testing Parameters Result
Appearance & Colour Grey Free Flowing Powder
Pot Life 30-40 Minutes
Mix Ratio (W : P by wt.) 0.15 - 0.16, 3.75 - 4.0 ltr. / 25 kg bag
Mix Density (g/cc) 2.10 - 2.20
Recommended Thickness Vertically: 10-50 mm, Overhead : 10 - 20 mm
Compressive Strength-28 Day ≥ 50 Mpa
Flexural Tensile Strength-28 Day ≥ 10 Mpa
Tensile Adhesion Strength-28 Day ≥ 12 Mpa

Approx. 8 - 9 sq. ft. / 25 kg bag mix at 10 mm thickness

Factory sealed packs are best before 12 months from the date of manufacturing in unopened condition and stored in cool & dry area.
